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The Unfair Game - Mario Bros

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You will receive everything you need to engage your students like NEVER before in the teaching craze sweeping the world.


The Unfair Game.


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How to play The Unfair Game

The Game is a classroom activity and a lesson plan that is centered around maximizing engagement.


  • Write a list of prizes on the board as incentives to play.
  • Prepare the content you would like to cover in a series of slides
  • Gain access to a digital spinning wheel for selecting a random students
  • Provide students a visual timer


  1. Commence the game by posing a question about your content (any subject)
  2. Spin the wheel to select a random student who will answer the question
  3. If they respond correctly, they select a prize and you write their name next to the prize
  4. If all prizes are already taken by other students, they may replace someone's name with their own - UNFAIR!
  5. Play continues until all content is covered or the teacher decides to end the session.


  • Using a template or Powerpoint spreadsheet can help you gather all the necessary parts to run the game in one place.
  • You can only steal a prize from someone once all prizes have been claimed
  • You can only 'claim' one prize at a time.
  • If you answer correctly for a second time, you can place a "shield" around your prize to protect it from being taken once.


Prizes should be low-budget and novelty items that stimulate excitement without becoming so desirable that they lead to conflict or too much competitiveness.

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