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Learning 1x Timestables

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Do not memorise the 1x tables. It is a concept, rather than a series of equations. Spending time repeating the 1x facts turns into a meditative chant rather than an active thinking activtiy.

However, as your child is older and my disregard 1x tables, it is appropriate to mention what is happening when you are multiplying by 1. Compare it with multiplying x 2.


If you are just beginning a discussion about timestables, I would avoid bringing up the concept of 0x1 expression completely as it could lead to confusion.

If the discussions swing around to 0x1 explain that 0 represents something tangible.

Like, "I have a box with 0 cupcakes in it, if I give you one box when you open it, how many cupcakes will you get?"

Exactly, zero! That's because 1 x 0 = 0.

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