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Learning 6x Timestables

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Stick with me here. Can you imitate a seal?

I promise, if you explain to students that there is a seal that says 6 x 6, they’ll never forget the answer. Whilst, you are pretending to clap your flippers together say in a seal’s voice “6 x 6 is 36”

and get them to repeat it.

Do this a few times, tell them they’ll never forget – and done!

6 x 7

6 x 7 is the same as 6 x 6 + 6. If they have learnt the seal approach, this is one of the fastest way to go one step further.

Sports Link

Counting by 6 is important in my many sports. Observe a sport in which the score increases by 6 when goals are scored and encourage the students to calculate the total points achieved.

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